Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Am I Doing This Again?

Eating according to hunger and fullness seems like such a simple concept--but there are moments when I doubt my ability to do this for the rest of my life. Why am I looking that far ahead? Well, for one thing, I'm a hard-core planner. Can't help it--just the way I'm wired. But in this case, it's also because I intend for this to be a lifestyle change. A completely adaptable, still-doing-it-in-even-the-craziest-phases-of-life kind of lifestyle. But not being able to just eat everything I see on my plate can seem really ominous for some reason. So, in my moments of doubt, I make myself face up to my choices. Here they are as I see it: 1) Keep eating "normal" portions and/or eating for reasons other than hunger (comfort, boredom, excitement, stress, energy dip, celebration, etc.), but resign myself to the fact that I am going to be FAT...FOREVER...COMPLETE WITH ALL ITS CONSEQUENCES! 2) Keep yo-yo dieting, struggling, setting unrealistic expectations for healthful food prep and exercise routines, feeling frustrated and guilty when I fail to carry out the plan and/or give in to eating any semblance of real food (note: no matter how well I happen to do at any given time, food and exercise will be a near-obsessive focus of my to the point that I'll get cranky if life prevents me from getting on the elliptical or baking that sinless, skinless chicken breast I'd already planned for the evening) 3) Eat the amount of food my body asks for, only when it asks for it, and be able to be thin with no stress, guilt, or dieting EVER AGAIN! Needless to say, #3 is always my renewed choice and my focus returns. The more time passes, the more I'm convinced that our bodies truly were designed to know how much food we need each day--it's just a matter of whether we're willing to listen to them. I have no aspirations of counting calories, points, or fat gram exchanges ever again. Hallelujah! =o)

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