Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mickey Mouse or Thomas the Train???

Odd Title Huh?  Maybe a picture will help…

Disney Toddler Plate by The First Years/Learning Curve*photo credit:

I have downgraded myself to my son’s toddler plates.  We have a handful that look like this, and a few that are just plain color squares, but the point is that they are much smaller than my dinner plates.  So I can fill them up, eat until I’m full, and still feel like I had a plate full of food.  They are also smaller and easier to wash.  Oh, AND my son gets a kick out of me eating on plates like his as well. 

I have actually been thinking of going by Target or maybe even Goodwill to find some pretty plates just for me in the smaller sizes.  I read somewhere if you drank water out of a fancier glass you enjoyed it more.  Well, if I get me my own small PRETTY plates, I’ll enjoy eating on them even more – maybe??? We will see.

But honestly, I kinda like the Mickey Mouse plates.  Shhh.  Don’t tell.  It can be our secret.

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