Ok, so, I think I’m realizing that it might take a while to get to the weight I want to be.
Yes, I have had some great weeks (overall my average is still pretty good, 15 lbs in approximately 10 weeks), however, i have also had some not-so-great weeks. And what stinks is that my not-so-great weeks, well, they are no different food-wise from my good weeks. And it is during the “I’m doing great but I’m not seeing the results” weeks that I’m going to have to dig deep to continue on and trust God to reward me for my efforts.
One thing that is going to continue to plague me, is my migraines, and the fact that during a bad migraine week I’m not going to lose weight. I’m just going to have to accept that and keep on going. I think that is one of the big downfalls I’ve had over the last year with my attempts at losing this baby weight. Because it is very easy to stop and give up when you stop seeing results. And I did. But not anymore!
In the last 10 weeks or so, I have had 3 separate weeks where I have had 3-5 day migraines. During those weeks I did not lose weight. I actually gained back 3-5 of the lbs that I worked so hard to lose and then had to lose it again. And that is HARD.
However, I didn’t give up this time. And I realized that within a week, my body typically regulates back out and the weight gain is gone and I start losing again. Giving up all those times before during the hard weeks put me that much farther behind. I’ve decided I’m going to try my very best to not give up this time.
My migraines take so much out of me anyway. I miss so much of life because I’m in pain, laying in a dark, quiet room. But I'm not going to let my migraines take the joy of being at the weight I need/want to be. So, once again, I have made it through another road block that has been an obstacle in the past. I hope I can continue through all these detours life keeps throwing at me – and meet my goal weight before too long. :)
So – this week I might not have seen any weight loss break through, nor did I earn another bead. But I did earn something. The determination to keep going throughout my health issues (migraines for me, they could be something else for you) and to keep GOING.